Nie jak śmiecia ale jak koszt do obsługi. Jak kogoś okropnie śmierdzącego wchodzącego do autobusu kogo trzeba znosić.
Ciekawe materiały
Re: Ciekawe materiały
Ja bym z kolei powiedział, że raczej jak ofiarę, na której można się wyżyć.
Life is suffering.
Re: Ciekawe materiały
Ta "synchronizacja ze stadem" to jak oddawanie własnego "JA" na pochłonięcie.chudzielec pisze: ↑czw cze 15, 2023 7:28 pmNie jak śmiecia ale jak koszt do obsługi. Jak kogoś okropnie śmierdzącego wchodzącego do autobusu kogo trzeba znosić.
"Było nie ma - poszło w dym. Tylko popiół został w rękach."
Re: Ciekawe materiały
Moja rozmowa z pewną osobą na FB odnośnie do anhedoniczno-schizoidalnej nudy i frustracji. Moim zdaniem sporo ciekawych przemyśleń:
Why is my anhedonia not just apathetic, but extremely frustrating?
What do you think is the reason that other people with anhedonia are rather apathetic and able to do something because they don't care, and for me, it leads to such painful frustration and constant compulsive search for an activity that I can't find?
Tbh I find that one of the issues with anhedonia is the expectations we’re taught to have of things… like we’re told that we should feel joyous and happy and excited about doing things and there is an activity out there that will unlock all of these feelings and make everything okay.
But in reality a lot of people who do stuff and enjoy it are often enjoying it because it’s a distraction from some other kind of pain.
I found that managing my own expectations of what things should feel like was helpful.
Like, feeling satisfied that I cooked something I liked or fixed a puzzle online is enough. It doesn’t have to give me a pleasurable high to be worthwhile.
Like recently I joined a library and at first I was really enjoying reading but then I hit a lull and got frustrated that I didn’t feel the same good feeling anymore… then I realized that’s my pattern… I seek new things that make me feel what I’ve been told I should feel then wonder what’s “wrong” when the feeling wears off. (Especially frustrating since few things interest me so when I do find something I tend to hang on).
But it makes more sense to realize that sometimes things will feel pretty neutral and that’s okay… and if you can make peace with that then you’re probably better off than most people chasing the high of the next thing.
Thank you. You said many important things. I must think about it all...
But what to do if I actually doing nothing (f.e. sitting on a couch and looking forward without aim), this inactivity state frustrating me a lot, and I can't start any activity because every idea looks unpleasant and boring for me? How to force myself to do anything with no reward? When I feel like I'm close to exploding from boredom, but any activity is not worth starting? You said many important things about keeping already started activities, but I have the biggest problem with even initiate something.
trying to pull all of my thoughts together but in terms of hobbies and interests it takes some time to figure out what "rewarding" means to you in the first place. Like, personally, I'm not motivated by accomplishment. I just like taking in information for no reason on interesting, complex topics even if I never use it. I actually lose motivation when things are tied too closely to goals and objectives. Maybe reviewing what you have found interesting in the past and looking for similarities or patterns in what you liked about them could give you some direction.
But in terms of mundane day-to-day tasks that aren't pleasant or rewarding, I focus on how I will feel if I do them vs if I don't do them. For example, washing clothes and cooking isn't pleasant but I really like how it feels to have clean clothes and meals ready to go and I hate taking up time struggling to find clean stuff or feeling hungry and miserable with nothing to eat. So the reward of avoiding those feelings and having the more pleasant ones gets me going. And every time I don't do something and suffer through the negative consequences it motivates me to do it the next time around.
I had many hobbies in the past but lost an interest in them due to lack of pleasure now. So "reward" for me is feeling a pleasure, enjoying anything. So nothing gives me it at the moment. I'm going crazy because I want to feel pleasantly, and I can't so going into an endless loop of tormenting myself with thinking and searching.
In the second paragraph, you said about something I call "negative motivation". Doing things to avoid getting worse. Negative motivation is strong in me, and I have no problem (or small problem) with forcing myself to duties.
tbh, I really enjoy doing nothing as well lol. At first I did get that restless feeling. Mostly guilt, but also boredom. But overtime I kind of feel like I’m cheating the system, like I’m defiantly sitting on the sidelines while other people take another lap around the track in the rat race. Didn’t get there overnight though… it took some time to be okay with it… although to be fair it isn’t absolutely nothing… it’s more like watching something online while simultaneously playing candy crush and thinking about some background topic. Kind of like “white noise” for my super active brain.
Best of luck with figuring it all out… schizoid traits certainly make us very unique and complex people… it feels like a good part of life is figuring out our own “user manuals”… but at least we have the insight and capacity for self-reflection to be able to eventually get it done.
Thank you for everything. You are very helpful person!
Why is my anhedonia not just apathetic, but extremely frustrating?
What do you think is the reason that other people with anhedonia are rather apathetic and able to do something because they don't care, and for me, it leads to such painful frustration and constant compulsive search for an activity that I can't find?
Tbh I find that one of the issues with anhedonia is the expectations we’re taught to have of things… like we’re told that we should feel joyous and happy and excited about doing things and there is an activity out there that will unlock all of these feelings and make everything okay.
But in reality a lot of people who do stuff and enjoy it are often enjoying it because it’s a distraction from some other kind of pain.
I found that managing my own expectations of what things should feel like was helpful.
Like, feeling satisfied that I cooked something I liked or fixed a puzzle online is enough. It doesn’t have to give me a pleasurable high to be worthwhile.
Like recently I joined a library and at first I was really enjoying reading but then I hit a lull and got frustrated that I didn’t feel the same good feeling anymore… then I realized that’s my pattern… I seek new things that make me feel what I’ve been told I should feel then wonder what’s “wrong” when the feeling wears off. (Especially frustrating since few things interest me so when I do find something I tend to hang on).
But it makes more sense to realize that sometimes things will feel pretty neutral and that’s okay… and if you can make peace with that then you’re probably better off than most people chasing the high of the next thing.
Thank you. You said many important things. I must think about it all...
But what to do if I actually doing nothing (f.e. sitting on a couch and looking forward without aim), this inactivity state frustrating me a lot, and I can't start any activity because every idea looks unpleasant and boring for me? How to force myself to do anything with no reward? When I feel like I'm close to exploding from boredom, but any activity is not worth starting? You said many important things about keeping already started activities, but I have the biggest problem with even initiate something.
trying to pull all of my thoughts together but in terms of hobbies and interests it takes some time to figure out what "rewarding" means to you in the first place. Like, personally, I'm not motivated by accomplishment. I just like taking in information for no reason on interesting, complex topics even if I never use it. I actually lose motivation when things are tied too closely to goals and objectives. Maybe reviewing what you have found interesting in the past and looking for similarities or patterns in what you liked about them could give you some direction.
But in terms of mundane day-to-day tasks that aren't pleasant or rewarding, I focus on how I will feel if I do them vs if I don't do them. For example, washing clothes and cooking isn't pleasant but I really like how it feels to have clean clothes and meals ready to go and I hate taking up time struggling to find clean stuff or feeling hungry and miserable with nothing to eat. So the reward of avoiding those feelings and having the more pleasant ones gets me going. And every time I don't do something and suffer through the negative consequences it motivates me to do it the next time around.
I had many hobbies in the past but lost an interest in them due to lack of pleasure now. So "reward" for me is feeling a pleasure, enjoying anything. So nothing gives me it at the moment. I'm going crazy because I want to feel pleasantly, and I can't so going into an endless loop of tormenting myself with thinking and searching.
In the second paragraph, you said about something I call "negative motivation". Doing things to avoid getting worse. Negative motivation is strong in me, and I have no problem (or small problem) with forcing myself to duties.
tbh, I really enjoy doing nothing as well lol. At first I did get that restless feeling. Mostly guilt, but also boredom. But overtime I kind of feel like I’m cheating the system, like I’m defiantly sitting on the sidelines while other people take another lap around the track in the rat race. Didn’t get there overnight though… it took some time to be okay with it… although to be fair it isn’t absolutely nothing… it’s more like watching something online while simultaneously playing candy crush and thinking about some background topic. Kind of like “white noise” for my super active brain.
Best of luck with figuring it all out… schizoid traits certainly make us very unique and complex people… it feels like a good part of life is figuring out our own “user manuals”… but at least we have the insight and capacity for self-reflection to be able to eventually get it done.
Thank you for everything. You are very helpful person!
Life is suffering.
Re: Ciekawe materiały
A Divorce Attorney's Thoughts On Love and Marriage
Nawet nie to jest niesamowite, jak się ludzie zachowują/funkcjonują, niesamowite jest to jak są w tym zakłamani, jedni przez drugich.
Nawet nie to jest niesamowite, jak się ludzie zachowują/funkcjonują, niesamowite jest to jak są w tym zakłamani, jedni przez drugich.
Re: Ciekawe materiały
Artykuł jest na tyle ciekawy, że skłonił mnie do pewnych przemyśleń. I tak sobie myślę, że w moim stanie pustki i bolesnej nudy, chyba bardziej od samego czystego poczucia przyjemności, brakuje mi, nie wiem, jak to nazwać, takiego poczucia chęci - że coś mi się chce, że coś bym sobie porobił, że mam na coś ochotę. Po prostu coś takiego, że siedzę sobie na kanapie, nic nie robię i pojawia mi się w głowie myśl: ale bym sobie obejrzał jakiś serial, ale bym sobie w coś pograł, ale bym sobie poczytał książkę itp. Nie oczekując tyle wielkiej przyjemności, co chęci do zajęcia się czymś. Tymczasem nie ma nic takiego. Najbardziej boli właśnie brak chęci realizacji czegokolwiek dla zabicia czasu.
Life is suffering.
- Posty: 1257
- Rejestracja: śr kwie 27, 2016 6:12 pm
Re: Ciekawe materiały
Curiositas (pusta ciekawość? obżarstwo intelektualne?) vs studiositas (dogłębne poznanie?) ... bie-swiat/ ... bie-swiat/
- Posty: 1257
- Rejestracja: śr kwie 27, 2016 6:12 pm
Re: Ciekawe materiały
Re: Ciekawe materiały
YouTube przypomniał mi tego gościa, dawno już o nim zapomniałem. da się słuchać bez zażenowania:
Re: Ciekawe materiały
Z tego co widzę terapia TMS jest dostępna w Polsce, kosztuje kilka tysięcy.
Tutaj jest wymienione na co stosują: ... tyczna-tms
Z tego co widzę terapia TMS jest dostępna w Polsce, kosztuje kilka tysięcy.
Tutaj jest wymienione na co stosują: ... tyczna-tms
Re: Ciekawe materiały
Grzebanie w mózgu na tym poziomie ingerencji mnie nie przekonuje.
"Było nie ma - poszło w dym. Tylko popiół został w rękach."
Re: Ciekawe materiały
Z pewnością jest mniejszą ingerencją niż elektrowstrząsy. Ale czy taka, silna i punktowa ingerencja jest gorsza niż długotrwałe, ogólne, chemiczne wpływanie na pracę mózgu, nie mam pewności. Może jest to bardziej miejscowe LSD?
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